This server serves LARP/Tabletop apps that can be saved and later resumed. The code is based on Ternus's django-larp-app. If you'd like to create an app based on this, you should create a file in the format of template.dat and send a copy to larp AT mit DOT edu. I'll upload it within a day of you sending me the template. You can also send me a favicon.ico file if you want a custom favicon for your app.
An example app based on the template is available at /testapp/. In addition, you can find the dashboard you would see at /testapp/dashboard/. The login information is in the testapp file. Finally, you can export a csv for importing into Excel or Google Spreadsheet by going to /testapp/csv/.
testapp ######## password ######## Test Application ######## ######## 1/1/2015 00:00 ######## <p> This is a test app using test app stuff. Make sure to submit by January 1st, 2015 (%s). </p> <center> <h1>Test</h1> </center> ######## ######## Phone::::String ######## Time Constraints::::Text(Normal)::::Are there any significant constraints on your time?::::If you know you won't be available for certain weeks, please let us know.<br/>Time constraints aren't a problem in general, and we're using this mostly to figure out when people are available. ######## Avail Time::::Text(Small)::::How long do you think you'll have on average per week for sessions? ######## Time Slots::::MultipleChoice(Saturday 5 PM, Saturday 9 PM,Sunday 7 PM,Sunday 8 PM)::::What times can you make? (Ctrl to select multiple times) ######## NPC::::Boolean::::Are you willing to NPC? ######## Race::::Choice(Human,Nalie,Troban)::::What race would you like to play? ######## Character Class::::Choice(Fighter,Wizard,Rogue)::::What classes would you be willing to play? ######## Plot Approach::::Text(Huge)::::How do you like to approach your tabletops?::::Do you prefer to convince the NPCs to help you on your plots or fight your way through hordes of creatures? Do you prefer to be sneaky or obvious? ######## Feelings::::Text(Huge)::::What are your thoughts and preferences on the following settings/motivations?<br/><ul><li>Magic</li><li>Technology</li><li>Playing a Human</li><li>Playing a Robot</li><li>Playing a Mayor</li><li>Playing a Politician</li><li>Playing a Religious Character</li><li>Playing a Scientist</li></ul> ######## Other World::::Text(Huge)::::What sort of things would you like the expedition to start with? ######## Character Type::::Text(Huge)::::What sort of character do you want to play?::::What sort of character do you want to play? What class would you like to be? ######## Feel::::Text(Large)::::What sort of feel do you like in your games? ######## Power Level::::Text(Large)::::What sort of power level do you want? ######## Abils::::Text(Large)::::Are there any abilities you'd like to see or don't want to see? ######## Backstory::::Text(Huge)::::What are some key points that you'd like in your character's backstory?::::What are your motivations? What do you want to accomplish? Why are you here? ######## Work With::::Text(Normal)::::Is there anybody you would like to play with? ######## Not With::::Text(Normal)::::Is there anybody you would prefer not to play with? ######## What Else::::Text(Normal)::::What else should we know?::::Here's your opportunity to tell us things we should know but didn't ask above.